1530 Doris Drive
Fort Atkinson WI 53538


Dental decay and damage can take its toll on the tooth and cause extreme pain and sensitivity. Fort Family Dental offers effective dental pain management procedures to their patients.in this regard, the dental clinic provides two procedures:

  • Root canal treatment
  • Root canal, buildup and crown

Root canal treatment

Beneath the hard enamel and dentin of your tooth is the soft pulp which houses nerve endings and tissues. This pulp is responsible for the sensations of hot and cold while eating. However, due to various reasons, such as poor oral hygiene or damage, the pulp becomes infected and needs to be removed. Removal of the pulp doesn’t interfere with the normal functionality of the tooth; in fact, it is an effective method for tooth pain treatment.

Process Of Root Canal

Dr. Brenda Garrison or Dr. Sara Podoll will first take into account your symptoms and the condition of your mouth. Usually, root canals are needed when the patient complains of severe pain, there are pimples on the gums, the tooth is starting to crack or is chipped, there are signs of decay and there is increased sensitivity in the area.

A typical procedure involves giving an anesthesia, drilling the tooth to get to the pulp, removing the pulp and disinfecting the area and sealing the area afterwards.

Root Canal with Buildup & Crown

A root canal is a procedure typically used when there is excessive decay and sensitivity in the tooth. In order to save the tooth and restore its normal functionality, the pulp inside the tooth is removed, the area is disinfected and sealed. However, there are chances that another decay can occur after this procedure.

To prevent another infection from taking place and preventing the filling from breaking, dental specialists usually incorporate a root canal, buildup and crown procedure.

This procedure involves placing a crown over the sealed tooth to completely prevent it from further infections. After the dentist performs a root canal, a little time is given to the tooth to settle down for another procedure. The buildup and crown procedure involves filling the tooth to give it enough body have a crown placed over it. The crown is then placed over this buildup to seal the entire area.

Dr. Brenda Garrison and Dr. Sara Podoll give special attention to their patients’ needs. They diligently work for their patient’s wellbeing to provide effective pain management. Get in touch with us for diagnosis, treatment and management of all dental issues.